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Friday, December 2, 2011

Inventory Test

Inventory tests are tests that primarily use paper and pencil. The test is a self-reportinventory Questionnare, to determine the characteristics of personality, interests(interested), attitude (attitude), and values ​​(value)

Inventory test is very useful to know the personality characteristics such as interests, self-adjustment, motivation, and prejudice. But keep in mind that test equipments used are generally no one is perfect and each test only describe one or several aspects of personality

Some issues in personality inventory tests are:
  1. The definition of personality so much, so that the proper selection of the variousdefinitions of personality tests should underlie the use of inventory.
  2. Personality inventory tests can not be culture free. Therefore, the cultural aspects must betaken into consideration, whereas the values ​​of culture is always changing. While on theother side of the test inventory is expected to provide a stable personality profile.
  3. When the personality inventory test is too sensitive to change, it is difficult to obtain high reliability

In general personality inventory tests have several drawbacks, such as;
  1. Aitemnya ambiguous and unclear command
  2. Subjects wanted to show some impressions of the testers.
  3. Semantic difficulties, different interpretations
  4. The attitude of the subjects who did not cooperate / defensive
  5. Faking or dishonest.
  6. Acquiscence; when aitem made ​​towards more specific answersto mitigate these weaknesses, the tester needs to understand the tests that would be usedproperly so that the present tests with good

Types of Test Inventory
- A personality inventory test
  1. MMPI (Minnesota Personality Inventory)
  2. CPI (California Psychological Inventory)
  3. PIC (Personality Inventory for Children)
  4. MCMI (Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory)
  5. 16 PF (Personality Factor Questionnaire sixteen)
  6. Epps (Edward Perssonal Preference Schedule)
  7. PRF (Personality Research Form)
  8. Jackson Personality Inventory
- Interest Inventory Test

  1. SCII (Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory)
  2. JVIS (Jackson Vocationalinterest Survey)
  3. KPR-V (Kuder Preference Record - Vocational)
  4. CAI (Career Assessment Inventory)
  5. RM (The Rothwell-Miller Interest Blank)
- Test of Inventory Value

  1. Study Of Value
  2. WVI (Work Value Inventory)

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