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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Limitations of Economic Causes Domestic Violence and Divorce

Economic limitations of the family to be the main cause of domestic violence or domestic violence and divorce. Factor that puts money above everything it can even be pemicuk child sexual abuse itself. 

Head of Women Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Berancana (BP3AKB) Blora district, Suryanto, said that during 2008 there were 14 cases of domestic violence in Blora. A total of 10 domestic violence cases, three cases of rape and sexual violence, and one case of neglect. 

The most tragic cases involving sexual violence against the child's real father is still sitting in sixth grade elementary school in Cepu. The incident was due to busy mothers who work as street peddlers in the train. 

According Suryanto, the mother was the sole breadwinner because her husband does not work. During the mother's work and come home late at night, her husband's intercourse with his daughter. "Upon investigation it turns out the mother rarely meet the desires of her husband because of busy work," he said. 

During this time, Suryanto added, the Government of the District Blora little attention those cases. At most, only Blora Police on the case of the offense. 

In May 2009, the Government will establish a Blora District Integrated Services Team Victims of Gender-Based Violence and Child. The team members include BP3AKB, Blora Police, Public Health Service, and District Attorney Blora. 

"If there are cases relating to women and children, the team will handle it in an integrated, in terms of legal, psychological, counseling, and intensive," said Suryanto.

In Apex, the economic limitations often lead to divorce. Based on data from the Religious Apex, divorce cases handled in 2008 as many as 898 cases. That figure is higher than the previous year, 859 cases. 

A total of 585 cases of a lawsuit from the woman, while 313 cases were dropped divorce her husband, the head of the Religious Zaenal Apex Court. 

According to Zaenal, the leading cause of divorce is a matter of economics, as many as 65 percent. Factors that trigger the husband became a drunk, violent towards family members, and cheating. 

The women who filed for divorce mostly from young couples aged 25 years and under. The percentage reached 78 percent, he said. 

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